Fieldfare Psychology offers individual educational psychology assessment of a child or young person’s strengths and needs.

We gather information by consulting with parents and carers, speaking with school staff, and by observing and meeting your child in school.

When we meet your child, we may complete psychological assessment, including cognitive assessment and/ or a standardised assessment of their learning, speech and language, or their emotional wellbeing and mental health.

At the end of our involvement, we produce a written report summarising our findings and making recommendations for school.


Fieldfare Psychology’s work with schools and trusts can provide ‘ad hoc’ pieces of individual consultation, casework, or training.

We can work with individual children and young people, or with groups.

Fieldfare Psychology can also provide ‘drop-in’ consultations around multiple pupils, offering lower-intensity involvement for early cycles of APDR.

We do have capacity to work with a small number of schools and trusts on a service-level basis, allowing for more strategic, proactive, and preventative work to take place throughout an academic year. Service-level work is protected time for schools to use throughout the year in consultation with Fieldfare Psychology.


Fieldfare Psychology can also explore whether a child or young person may meet the diagnostic criteria for a specific learning difficulty (e.g., dyslexia, dyscalculia, or dysgraphia), a learning disability (sometimes called an intellectual disability), or can complete work which explores whether an onward referral for neurodevelopmental assessment (in relation to autism and/ or ADHD) would be beneficial.